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T Airport Model Contest Default Banner

Banner Announcement of the Model-Making Contest: Airport

The Airport Model Contest was a competition event for building and submitting a creative Airport model. The contest was announced on May 13, 2022.

The contest submissions was started on May 13th and ended on June 10th, 2022.

Once the contest ends there was a voting period, and a total of six winners were ultimately determined by a panel of KoGaMa Judges and Moderators on the KoGaMa Discord Server. Winners were announced on June 29th.

Contest Description[]

It’s that time of year again - Summer is fast approaching, and I’m sure all of you are looking forward to summer vacation. When I think of vacation, I think of traveling.

And when I think of traveling, I think of airports! Because air travel, right?

And that’s the theme for this contest - Create a model of something you’d find at an airport!



  • Only one entry per participant
  • Only new models are allowed
  • The model must be submitted between May 20th and June 10th - We won’t accept any entries submitted before or after these dates.

Judgement Criteria[]

We’ll select our winners based on the following criteria:

Airport Aesthetic

How well does your model fit in an airport environment?


How original is your model?


How creative and imaginative is your model?

Contest Winners[]

WWW Server:[]

1st Place:[]

2nd Place:[]

3rd Place:[]

Brazil Server:[]

1st Place:[]

2nd Place:[]

3rd Place:[]


Soon after the winners were announcement in brazilian server, it was discovered that the 3rd place model winner - made by Victor_HugoCAF J.P.G - was stolen from a popular model called "Jatinho particular" made by -_JaMes_- and being re-uploaded model from 2013. The stolen model winner removed it's Jet engines, as well the Stabilizers on the top.

T Stolen Airplane Model Comparison Default Image

The stolen model that won 3rd Place in the contest (Left), compare to the original model with more than 1000 sold (Right)

Due to the backlash, Victor deleted it's model and has never been uploaded to the marketplace ever since. Despite that, the model wasn't disqualified from the competition and was remained in it's position.

Turista264 made a video regarding to the controversy, though it was made in Portuguese language only.[2]

See Also[]
