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You can create a new game when entering the projects category, or you can follow these links:

WWW: https://www.kogama.com/build/

Friends: https://friends.kogama.com/build/

BR: https://kogama.com.br/build/

Tutorial: Build Games

Create Games




Logic Systems

Logic Systems

Share Games

Tutorial: Publish Games


You can edit your avatar and personalize it or you can even make something else out of your avatar. Make sure that this what you're creating doesn't break any of the rules. When you enter the avatar editor for the first time, there will be a short tutorial showing you important things about the building mode before you'll be able to start. Once you've done the tutorial, you can do small changes like painting your avatar differently or even make something else out of it like a character of a certain game. There are infinite possibilities for building an avatar. Show your creativity and build something unique! When you reach level 3, you can finally sell your creation on the market, so other people can give you some feedback, leave likes and maybe even buy it. When you think that your avatar is great enough to have a high chance of getting Avatar of the Week, you can submit it by sending an email to cm@kogama.com and wait for an answer.


You can create your own model by clicking on the little cube icon with a green plus on it on the right. You can also press N to do that. From there on, you're free to pick the model size. Small, Medium or Large. Upon choosing any of the 3 formats, you're now able to start building your model in a building room at the size of 24x24x24 blocks. Be as creative as possible! You can build everything! From persons to buildings to objects, everything is possible as long as it doesn't break any of the rules. You can sell your models when you reach level 3, so people can give you feedback, likes, and lovely comments! How better it looks, the higher is the chance that people buy it. So show your creativity and have fun in building! When you think that your model is great enough to have a high chance of getting Model of the Week, you can submit it by sending an email to cm@kogama.com and wait for an answer.
