Kogama Wiki
Kogama Wiki
Content creators & Streamers

Kogama Content Creator Program

Content creators are YouTube or Twitch users who choose to apply to the content creation program. They will also have connections with the Staffs .


About the program:[]

If you become a Content Creator member, you will be offered the following benefits:

  • Promote your content among the community.
  • Our support and feedback on your current and future content.
  • Content creator role on Discord and access to exclusive channels.
  • Free Elite Subscription

Types of videos[]

Staffs are mainly looking for the following types of content:

  • Tutorials: this can be about creating games/avatars/models, using logic, additional tips, etc.
  • Game Content: Great game with voice commentary.
  • Instructions/Documentation: Tips and tricks, demos of new game features, and event overviews, etc.
Content Creators icon

Content Creators icon

Staffs accept any content language!

If you would like to become a member of the KoGaMa Content Creator Program, then we encourage you to apply here.

You can also apply by contacting modmail#5756 from the official KoGaMa Discord server (using the same question/answer format as the application form) once your content meets all of these requirements:

Post content on a regular basis (don't apply if you haven't created content yet or if you've been inactive for more than a month). Good behavior in your Content and on KoGaMa in general. Make your content suitable for younger users; and without any material that is considered inappropriate (hints at controversial topics/18+ topics/politics/cheats and hacks or anything that goes against KoGaMa rules).

At the moment there are still Content Creators who own this status[]

YouTube creators:

Youtubers Subs
T Youtube Default IconKelim +4540
T Youtube Default IconInsanos .Gaming +4250
T Youtube Default IconmrsinXival +3090
T Youtube Default IconРадик - KoGaMa +1240
T Youtube Default IconCreeperGaymer +2410
T Youtube Default IconKweexy +451

Instagram creators :[]

Artists Followers
Instagram Default Icon
Instagram Default Icon

At the moment (08/21/2024) the content creator program has been closed :(

