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Godenot Badge

The Godenot Badge was given to the popular Brazilian YouTuber Godenot in order to make him recognizable because several players were impersonating him with fake accounts.

Currently, Godenot is the only YouTuber that has its own KoGaMa badge.


  • This badge only exists on the Brazil server.
  • This badge is not obtainable, it was given only to Godenot.


  • As mentioned before, it is the rarest badge on the Brazil server as only Godenot owns it.
  • The YouTuber Godenot has nearly 4 million subscribers, but he stopped recording & playing KoGaMa a couple of years ago, but recently (27 March 2024) he has made a new video called: KOGAMA
  • As of 2024, Godenot's latest video about KoGaMa was released March 27th, 2024. You can watch it here.
  • Godenot currently has over 345 KoGaMa videos on his channel and has even appeared in a KoGaMa commercial that Click Jogos made on 2014.

