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T Halloween 2023 Default Icon

Halloween 2023 Badge

The Halloween 2023 was an limited-time event badge released on October 1st, 2023 for the annual Halloween holiday. The badge can be claimable by going to the 'Coupon Code' page, and entering the code: #halloween2023.

This badge belongs to a group of event badges, each of which could be unlocked on a particular holiday.


  • Expired
  • The badge can be redeemed on both WWW and Brazil servers until December 1st of the same year.


  • When it was released, the badge had no image because of a bug that was occurring in the game, this is because of it's XML file error that couldn't appear any key on the code. But now it's fixed. However, by replacing gen_cache and _64x64.jpg with gen_images and .png on the image source embed link it would've given the badge image on it's full without issues.

