Kogama Wiki
T Melee Weapon Customization Contest Announcement Banner

Banner Announcement of the Melee Weapon Customization Contest

The Melee Weapon Customization Contest was a competition event for building and submitting a creative game showcasing the newly Melee Weapon creation from players. The contest was announced on September 13th, 2023.

The contest submissions was started on September 16th and ended on October 7th, 2023.

Once the final deadline ends, there was a voting period by the moderators, and a total of six winners[1], plus three honorable mentions, were ultimately determined by a panel of KoGaMa Judges and Moderators on the KoGaMa Discord Server. The winners were announced on October 27th.

Contest Description

For this contest, we’d like you to create a game where you show off your best Melee Weapons! They can be anything from silly to epic: Do you want to create a straightforward sword-fighting duel, or would you rather have Players recreate Monty Python’s Fish-Slapping Dance or bonk each other in the head with toy hammers? Show us!


1st Place: 1 000 T GoldPixel Default Icon, Melee Weapon Contest Badge & 1st Place Badge.

2nd Place: 500 T GoldPixel Default Icon, Melee Weapon Contest Badge & 2nd Place Badge.

3rd Place: 250 T GoldPixel Default Icon, Melee Weapon Contest Badge & 3rd Place Badge.

In addition, the contest winners and the honorable mentions will find their games pinned on the front page!

T MeleeWeaponCustomizationContestWinner Default Icon

The contest badge that are given to the winners


  • Only one submission per user is allowed.
  • Teams are allowed, but only a maximum of 3 people per team is permitted.
  • Only new games are allowed.
  • You must submit your game in the below form for it to count as a contest entry.
  • The games must be submitted between September 16th and October 7th (Time Zone: GMT+00 London) - We won’t accept any entries submitted before or after these dates.

Judgement Criteria

The judges and the moderators will select their winners based on the following criteria:


How good-looking and detailed is your game?


How originally and imaginatively have you used the Melee Weapon Customization feature?

Contest Winners

WWW Server:

1st Place:

2nd Place:

3rd Place:

Honorable Mentions:

Brazil Server:

1st Place:

2nd Place:

3rd Place:

Honorable Mentions:

New Features

Alongside with the contest announcement, two features was also introduce upon release:

  • A Scale for models, to which let you to scales the model to Small, Medium and Large sizes.
  • And a cooldown timer for Elite members, to which let you to resource boosts and revives by receiving an cooldown timer without watching in-game ads.


See Also

  1. three winners on Brazil server