Kogama Wiki
Page one of the Pickups tab

Page one of the Pickups tab

Pickups are special items you can place in projects that players can interact with. You can use them to enhance gameplay and provide players with objectives.

There are three kinds of pickups: weapons, effects, and collectibles.


Weapons allow players to duel in PvP battles, dealing damage or providing effects. There are currently fifteen (15) Weapon Pickups:

Name Damage % per shot Ammunition Range (Blocks) Important Notes
Impulse Gun 000, 100* Unlimited 02.5 Pushing; *It can kill you if you hit the ground too hard, but the kill won't be counted if there's a kill counter. Hold left-click to charge its shot for a stronger force. You can do tricks with this weapon.
Rail Gun 100 005 Unlimited Hold left-click to charge. Long charging process.
Shotgun 066-014 024 13 You shoot 5 bullets 24 times (a total of 120 bullets).
Machine Gun 011 150 38 Fast but thin shots. Hold left-click to continuously fire bullets.
Bazooka 045-001 012 39 Damaging Area covers a circle with 3 cm. of diameter, with sourspot and sweetspot; autodamage if self-shot (for impulse it may derive in Rocket Jumping); can pass blocks. You can do tricks with this weapon. The closer the enemy is to the center of the explosion, the more damage the enemy takes. Hold left-click to continuously fire rockets.
Sword 014 Unlimited 0.875 There's no First-Person effect.
Flamethrower 012.5 100 02 Slower falling speed (if firing downwards); at least 2.5 of ammo used by click; can pass blocks. You can use this weapon as a parachute. Hold left-click to continuously spew flames.
Multi Shuriken 070-014 150 50 You can shoot 5 shurikens per burst, 30 times (a total of 150 shurikens); special trajectory.
Shuriken 014 060 50 Just like the Multi Shuriken, it has a special trajectory.
Dual Revolvers 012.5 048 25 Half recoil of the Revolver; a small recoil when shooting. You can do tricks with this weapon.
Revolver 012.5 024 25 Double recoil of the Dual Revolvers; a small recoil when shooting. You can do tricks with this weapon.
Growth Gun 025** 005 25*, 1.5** *If someone gets hit with this gun, the player will gain effects identical to those gained from a Growth Pill. **The target can attack as a giant. Hold left-click to continuously fire heightening lasers.
Mouse Gun 000* 005 25 *If someone gets hit, the player will get the same effects gained from a Mouse Pill. Hold left-click to continuously fire shrinking lasers.
Heal Ray 004*° 100 05 Shoots a ray that heals and overheals team mates and enemies and has strong seeking strength. °The healing is not paired with ammo, it varies. You can use this weapon as a parachute, similarly to the flamethrower. Hold left-click to lock onto a target and continuously heal him.


Effects grant the player a temporary boost in stats.

There are currently 5 Effect Pickups:

Name Time active (seconds) Actions
Health pack Instant Instantly heals the player back to 100%.
Mutanto 20 Grants the player invincibility, minor speed boost, and the ability to instakill others by touching them.
Lightning Speed 07 Grants the player intensely increased movement speed.
Mouse Pill 30 Shrinks a player down to the size of a mouse, or around 4 times smaller than normal, allowing them to access smaller areas. The player's health and speed are also halved and they cannot use any weapons.
Growth Pill 30 Transforms the player into a Giant, allowing them to punch other players and deal damage. The player's health and movement speed are doubled and they cannot use any weapons.


Collectibles provide the player with objectives to fulfill, that are required or optional.

There are currently 5 Collectibles:

  • Stars, when placed, these start a Collection Game Mode. The first player to collect all the Stars wins.
  • GameCoins allow you to reward players by permitting them to unlock several different items in your game.
  • Coin Chests allow you to reward players with Coins in greater quantities, which you can personalize.
  • Crystals allow players to unlock Tiers
  • Crystal Veins allow players to collect Crystals in greater quantities, which you can personalize.